Typing Bodo words using Pramukh IME is as easy as typing our names in English. For quick help, checkout the following image. This image shows which letter(s) will be typed when you press a particular key (combination). Press F9 (or your preferred Shortcut Key) to switch between currently selected language and last selected language.

Note: Typing is case-sensitive. Typing small “a” and capital “A” will yield different letters. Make sure “Caps Lock” key is not ON.
Quick Links: Vowel, Semi Vowel, Consonant, Vowel Sign, Digit, Other, Symbol, Rule, Example
अ = o
आ = a/A
इ = i
उ = u
ए = e
ऐ = wi/ai
ओ = w
औ = wo/ou
अं = ong/oM
Semi Vowel
य = I/y
व = O
ख = k/kh
ग = g
ङ = NG
ज = j
थ = t/th
द = d
ध = dh
न = n
फ = p/ph/f
ब = b
म = m
र = r
ल = l
स = s
ह = h
Vowel Sign
ा = a/A
ि = i
ु = u
े = e
ै = wi/ai
ो = w
ौ = wo/ou
ं = ng/M (Anusvar)
Note: Dotted round symbol represents placeholder for consonant character
If the setting “Digit in English” is not set, Bodo and English digits are typed this way
০ = 0, ১ = 1, ২ = 2, ৩ = 3, ৪ = 4, ৫ = 5, ৬ = 6, ৭ = 7, ৮ = 8, ৯ = 9
0 = 0-, 1 = 1-, 2 = 2-, 3 = 3-, 4 = 4-, 5 = 5-, 6 = 6-, 7 = 7-, 8 = 8-, 9 = 9-
If the setting “Digit in English” is set, Bodo and English digits are typed this way
० = 0-, १ = 1-, २ = 2-, ३ = 3-, ४ = 4-, ५ = 5-, ६ = 6-, ७ = 7-, ८ = 8-, ९ = 9-
0 = 0, 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, 4 = 4, 5 = 5, 6 = 6, 7 = 7, 8 = 8, 9 = 9
् = See example (Halant/Viram)
ʼ = ‘ (Modifier letter apostrophe)
ऽ = .a (Avagrah)
। = | (Devanagari danda)
॥ = || (Devanagari double danda)
₹ = Rs (Indian Rupee sign)
ॐ = OM (Aum)
卐 = +- (Swastika sign)
Zero Width Joiner = — (2 Dashes)
Zero Width Non Joiner = — (3 Dashes)
Note: Dotted round symbol represents placeholder for consonant character
The English symbols [ ] { } ( ) < > – + / = ; . , ” ? ! % \ _ & $ @ # ~ * : ^ are transliterated into the same symbols.
Symbols | ‘ have special meaning. You can type this way
| = |-
‘ = ‘-
These symbols will type Bodo characters first but if “-” will be followed, it will remove previously typed Assamese character and then type the symbol.
1. Consonant is followed by vowel sign character to make a live consonant.
ख खा खि खु खे खै खो खौ खं
ko ka ki ku ke kwi kw kwo kong
2. Character “ng” transliterates to “ं” but if it is followed by vowel sign character, it will transliterate to “ंग”
मिथिंगा = mithinga
नांगौ = nangwo
अखरां = okorang
गोजों = gwjwng
हिनजावसा = hinojaOsa
जेरै = jerwi
गिज्रा = gijra